It is almost time for our Study Abroad trip!

Our yearly USC Study Abroad trip is a month away!  Today is the last day that students can register for the course.  If you haven't already registered with the SA Office, do so now. In anticipation of our upcoming adventure, I wanted to share some information about a couple of stops we will take along the way.  We will visit the great ancient city of Teotihuacán located just outside of Mexico City.  (more…)
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ancient cultures

More Ancient Cultures

When people think about ancient civilizations they usually conjure up images of ancient Greece or ; But there were civilizations in South America, like the Mayans (2000 BCE - 1500 CE), the Olmec (1500 BCE - 400 BCE) and others who had calendars, writing, arts and built temples and ball courts and astrological ; They were an advanced people that we don't hear much about, except for end of the world are a few significant South American archeological finds from the last couple of 5,000 year old temple from ;Tak'alik Ab'aj is a major archealogical site in southwest Guatemala, not too far from the Mexican ; It has both Mayan and Olmec influences and is one of the largest archeological sites in Central America and was probably occupied from 1000 BCE to about 1500 ; It has (as far as I can tell): 9 terracesa water system of channels bringing…
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ancient cultures

Ancient Cultures

      Veracruz is home to an impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site. El Tajín was a flourishing city by 600 CE and was home to approximately 50 different ; The city is believed to span at least 2,500 acres, only about 50% of which has been ; There have been residences, governmental offices, seventeen ball courts, and many other buildings unearthed representing a sprawling city of nearly 100,000 residents at its ; The most well known of the buildings is the Pyramid of the Niches, pictured ;     They pyramid has 365 niches, thought to represent the solar ; It isn't clear exactly who built the pyramid but the Totonac and Huasteca people are thought to be the most ; The Totonac people are well known for their association with the Danza de los Voladores, an ancient ritual that was once widespread in ; Famed Mexican muralist, Diego Rivera, depicted the Voladores…
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