
Louisiana takes important step towards finally enforcing TED regulations

Louisiana lawmakers finally have taken the important step towards enforcing federal Turtle Excluder Device (TED) regulations.   Shrimp fisheries operate by dragging a large net behind a boat and scooping up everything in their way - including sea turtles.  Since the turtles have to surface to breathe, they used to drown in these nets before TED regulations went into place in the early 1990s.  TEDs give the turtles an "escape hatch" with minimal impact on catch success. Watch them in action below:      
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It is almost time for our Study Abroad trip!

Our yearly USC Study Abroad trip is a month away!  Today is the last day that students can register for the course.  If you haven't already registered with the SA Office, do so now. In anticipation of our upcoming adventure, I wanted to share some information about a couple of stops we will take along the way.  We will visit the great ancient city of Teotihuacán located just outside of Mexico City.  (more…)
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